Wolfram Alpha

Friday, 16 April 2010

WolframAlpha is a search site with a mathematical basis. Services 'Computational knowledge engine' (the machine calculation of knowledge) that was launched in 2009 and won many accolades from various parties.

Although WolframAlpha much preferred, spelled out his iPhone application less attractive. Not surprisingly, the application at a price of USD 50 (and sometimes discounted 'only' to $ 20).

Finally, as quoted from MacWorld, Friday (2/4/2010), the application was down prices. Now, the application was in the price range of USD 2 (EUR 1.99) in the iTunes store.

Barak Berkowitz, Managing Director WolframAlpha, said the price declines is meant to be more widely known Wolfram Alpha. "Every time you need a computational knowledge, we want you to remember WolframAlpha," he said.

Well, for those who've already bought, WolframAlpha willing to return their money. It is estimated there are around 10,000 WolframAlpha applications which have been sold at a price of USD 50.

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