Graphene could replace Silicon used in electronic devices?

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Many consumers believe that in the future iPod, mobile phone, and flash drives will be fulfilled by the collection of songs, photo, and video.For the experts trying to create components on chip flash memory that can accommodate more data.Even so certain flash memory will be up to limit on the smallest size that can be made.
  Jim Tour, head of the group of researchers in Houston and chemical experts from Rice University tried to find solutions with what is called 'graphene' plural of graphite.
  According to Wikipedia, graphite, and diamond, is a form of carbon alotrop, because the second compound is similar .Grafit very soft and can be used as a lubricant for the mechanical equipment to make work more smoothly, or as a 'proportionate' in pencil and colored gray,
  When tested as a storage device, Jim Tour found that graphene work better than the Silicon material is used as the material basis of memory flash. The material that produces very little heat and can be used in temperatures -100 to 400 degrees faranheit
  The problem is now the computer memory industry expert, has been normal use silikon.Since Silicon used in electronic devices in half a century ago, the company is familiar and comfortable with Silicon.
  So, we can wait, graphene could replace Silicon?

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